JET SETイングリッシュの英語コーチングコースでは、東京大学卒の同時通訳者で、これまで直接指導歴300名超、大手英語コーチングスクールのコーチ歴があり世の中の英語教材にはほぼ全て目を通している代表が、あなたのお話をじっくりお伺いし、あなたの目標に最適な学習プランを作成。そして定期的な面談で方向性のチェック・修正を行っていきます。あなたがすることは、プランに沿って淡々と学習を進めていくだけ。
TOEIC900点台、英検1級のその先へ コーチング+ティーチングで着実に目標達成!
最後に、もう一つお伝えしたい大切なことがあります。英語を学ぶことで手に入るのは、実は英語力だけではありません。人生の自由度が上がり、経済的にも豊かになります。英語の強みは、基本的にどの業界でもどの会社でも使えるスキルであるということ。特許翻訳などの特殊な分野でない限り、そこに多少の業界用語を覚えるだけで大丈夫。英語力で周囲から抜きん出る、さらには英語だけでもお金が稼げるレベルになれば、フリーになり通勤ラッシュを避けて働くこともできるし、英語がめちゃくちゃできる社員として組織の中で上を目指していくこともできます。もしどうしても合わない人がいたとしても、そこで消耗するのではなく、腕を武器にさっさと他に移れる自由も手に入ります。そしていずれにせよ、金銭的にも豊かになれる可能性が高いです。参考:「英語力で年収に280万円の差」コロナ禍の裏で進む”英語格差”の実態~年収アップの最短ルートは仕事の成果よりTOEIC 実体験としても、同時通訳ができるようになれば、年収で800万円程度を得ることが可能です。翻訳は、分野にもよりますが、同時通訳よりは数百万円低くなる印象です。ですので、プロの翻訳者になれるくらいの英語力のある人は、これから通訳スキルも身につけられることをおすすめします。実際、求人を検索してもらえばわかりますが、機械翻訳の普及により翻訳者の需要は大きく減っており、翻訳だけでなく通訳もできる人材が求められています。優秀な通訳者や英語でちゃんと仕事ができるレベルの人は、常に不足しています。日本語と英語は言語間距離が最も遠い言語であり、トラベル英会話や定型表現はともかく、人間同士の文脈を踏まえた複雑な会話を通訳するには、今後も当面は人間の通訳者が必要だとされています。私もそう思います。
Whether you realize it or not, you have a personal brand.
If I looked you up on Google and didn’t find anything about you on the first page of results, that’s your personal brand.
If I found an out-of-date LinkedIn profile or a bunch of random social media posts, that, too, is your personal brand.
People tend to think about a personal brand as bragging, self-promotion and all about yourself.
But it’s actually something much more important.
It’s your reputation.
In other words, it’s how people perceive you — your friends, colleagues or the general public — and it’s what people think about you when they hear your name as well as what people say about you when you’re not in the room.
In our connected world, every single one of us has a personal brand, whether we like it or not.
This is because whenever we engage with people both in person and online — that’s every interaction or everything we post, upload or comment on — we’re creating a reputational narrative about ourselves.
Your reputation is already out there.
The question is: Do you want to be the one who’s driving and shaping this story? Or do you want chance or algorithms to be doing it for you?
I think most people would agree that they want to take control.
And what this means is we need to make some very intentional decisions so our brand stays in our hands.
Let me walk you through five key steps to building a strong personal brand in a way that feels good.
First, you need to figure out what your goal is.
Let’s start by answering a foundational question: What do you want your personal brand to help you accomplish?
Are you looking to change jobs or transition into a new industry, and you need your brand to reflect a new skill set?
Maybe you’re looking to get a promotion at your current organization and you need everyone to know all the amazing things that you’ve accomplished in your career.
Or maybe you’re launching a new business and you want to build your brand around the products or services that you’re offering.
Whatever your goal is, write it down and make it specific so that you’re working towards a clear outcome.
Next, you’ll want to get clear on what you want to be known for. In other words, how do you want people to describe you as a professional?
Start by answering the question, “So what do you do?”
And I’m not just talking about your job title.
Are you a teacher who focuses on social and emotional learning? Or maybe you’re a project manager
who is reliable and always gets things done on time.
Or maybe you’re an artist who makes beautiful ceramic pots from natural materials.
What you want to do is dig deeper into the what, how and why behind your work so you can make it concrete and easy to remember.
Just make sure to lead with something that doesn’t cause confusion.
For example, I once coached someone who called herself a “death midwife,” which no one understood.
But when she started introducing herself as a grief counselor who works with families during a time of loss, all of a sudden everyone got it.
If you’re stumped, think about how you can stand out from the crowd in your industry.
What are the things that make you unique?
Are there specific talents and expertise that you’ve acquired in your career?
What do you know more about than most people?
Sit down and make a list and you might start to surprise yourself about all the things you know.
Now let’s think about the audience you want to share your personal brand with.
The reality is, your personal brand is not about you.
It’s about the people you want to educate with the skills, knowledge and value you can provide.
Who you decide to focus on should be based on two things: the goal of your personal brand and the people who can best benefit from your unique talents and skills.
So spend some time thinking about these two questions: Who can most gain from what you have to share, and how exactly can you see yourself helping them?
Here’s where it all starts to come together.
Let’s pull all your answers into a single mission statement that describes who you are, what you do, who you do it for and the transformation you can create in people’s lives.
Let’s take the example of the teacher.
“My name is Alma, and I’m a third-grade teacher who specializes in social and emotional learning.
I work with students to teach them the skills for fostering empathy and compassion so they can thrive and contribute to a more caring world.”
Let’s take the project manager.
“My name is Jennifer, and I’m a project manager for a sustainable fashion company.
I work with teams across different departments to plan, organize and direct innovative marketing campaigns that engage customers while also increasing brand loyalty.”
Mission statements are going to look wildly different depending on who you are in your career.
But whatever your mission statement is, write it down and put it somewhere prominent.
You can use it to make decisions about how you speak about yourself when you first meet someone, to the communities you want to share it with.
Let’s start building your personal brand online.
There are two key personal branding assets you should think about developing: a personal website and social media.
What’s so important about a personal website is that it allows you to take full control over your online reputation.
It offers the most flexibility in sharing your brand and value to others in a much deeper way than a resume or a LinkedIn profile.
People want to work with others they like, know and trust, and your personal website provides you an opportunity to share more about your personality through photos as well as more about your career and life story.
This, in turn will differentiate you from others in your industry.
Social media is also a great way to share your personal brand with the audience you’re looking to connect with.
However, I suggest trying not to be on every platform.
Pick one that aligns with your goals as well as where your audience spends most of its time.
If you’re an artist or a creative, Instagram is a great fit.
If you work in a more corporate environment, LinkedIn is the place you want to be.
When posting, focus on being helpful to others.
Share interesting articles relevant to your industry, post ideas or opinions that can benefit colleagues, and like or comment on posts shared by the people you follow.
The key is to always engage in a way that both reinforces your personal brand while also bringing value to others.
Look, I know this may all sound a bit intimidating, but try to think of this branding process as an opportunity for personal growth.
It’s your chance to dig deeper into who you truly are and who you want to become.
This, in turn, will provide you the clarity you need on how you can make your greatest impact in the world.
- 速さに慣れていない。特に、学校でやるように文を逆戻りして理解する癖がついていると、頭の中で情報を整理しきれずに、一度聞いただけでは理解できなくなってしまいます。
- 聴き取りを難しくしているもう一つの原因は、発音するときに起こる英語独特の音の変化です(前の単語と次の単語がつながる、音が消えるなど)。
- さらに、英語の正しい音を知らないことも見たらわかる単語が聞き取れない原因になっています。実は、英語の文字、アルファベットには、私たちが学校で習う読み方以外に、もう一つの読み方があるのです。そして基本的に英語はそちらの読み方をベースに発音するので、聞き取りができないのです。その英語の読み方と発音の仕方を学ぶのが「フォニックス」と呼ばれるものです。下の「発音ワンポイントレッスン動画」がフォニックスの一例です。
★発音ワンポイントレッスン(”L”と”R” フォニックスの一例)
JET SETイングリッシュでは、学生時代以来、何十年も英語から遠ざかっていた英語初心者の方から、お仕事で日常的に英語を使っている上級者の方まで、おひとりおひとりに合わせた学習プラン、レッスンを提供し、着実に、かつ効率的に目標達成へと導きます。語学の習得は、簡単ではありません。しかし、正しい方法で努力を続けていけば、誰でも必ず目標を達成できます。