会議の英語 The language of meetings 1


1.会議を始める Opening a meeting

I see we’re all here. 皆さんお揃いですね。

Shall we get started? 始めましょうか。

We have a lot to get through today. 今日は議題がたくさんあります。

Can we agree on the ground rules? 基本的なルールを決めておきましょうか。

Should we all use English for this meeting? この会議は英語で行うということでよろしいですね?

The meeting is due to finish at 3 o’clock. 会議終了予定時刻は3時です。

We’re short of time, so please be brief. 時間がありませんので、発言は手短にお願いします。

Can anybody take the minutes? どなたか議事録をお願いできますか?

We’re here today to make a decision about the XXX deal. 本日の会議の目的は、XXXとの取引について決定するためです。

Has everybody got a copy of the agenda? みなさん一部ずつアジェンダをお持ちでしょうか?

Let’s start with item number one. まず1つめの項目から始めましょう。

Ken, would you like to open this one? ケン、まずはあなたからお願いできますか? ※open=口火を切る

The area we need to focus on is XXX. 本件で注目すべきポイントは、XXXです。

We need to make sure we can terminate the agreement if they fail to deliver on time. 彼らが納期を守れなかった場合は、確実に契約を解除できるようにしておかねばなりません。

In that respect, we need to~ その点からは、我々は~する必要があります。

番外編:How does one fairly choose someone to take minutes of a meeting?



Taking meeting minutes is important for documenting what discussions and outcomes came out of a given meeting, but I personally find it difficult to lead a meeting at the same time as taking notes (they use very different parts of my brain). Any recommendations on fairly choosing a meeting note-taker from the participants (and ensuring that they take meaningful notes)?


For periodic, regular meetings, one possibility is to rotate the duties of taking notes each week or period. This will change things us a little bit and spread the responsibility so that one person doesn’t become overwhelmed.

If the meeting is an ad-hoc meeting, you could ask for volunteers to take notes. Chances are, a person willing to volunteer to take notes places the same importance in note-taking as you do and likely wants to have something to refer to after the meeting.

As you work with different people in your organization, you’ll learn who the good, attentive, detail-oriented note takers are, and you can enlist these individuals to help you when you need all your mental faculties to focus on facilitating the meeting.



  • If all else fails, record the meeting and make minutes from the recording. 他のどの方法もうまくいかないのであれば、会議を録音してあとで議事録を作るのはどうか
  • We use round robin in Team, person changes on every week basis. うちの会社ではラウンドロビン(際限のあるリソースを順番に割り振っていく方式のこと、つまり順番に議事録係になること)で、毎週議事録係を変えていっています


The only really important things you have to note down during a meeting are

  • Decisions
  • Required actions: who will do what by when

It is fairly easy to note these down even if you’re leading the meeting. I usually have enough with one A4 for a normal day of meetings (actually the back of my printout of the agenda from outlook).

Writing them down actually helps your brain to confirm the decision/required action as fully understood and appropriate.



A lot of people bring laptops to meetings these days. They may be multi-tasking or surfing the internet for all you know. If you are chairing the meeting, simply say to them before you start the meeting “Great, I see Steven is taking notes. Steven, can you send the team your notes after the meeting is finished. Thanks!”


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